Tēnā koutou katoa
September has seen a ‘changing of the guard’, as we farewelled our retiring Board Chair Kay Hawk and welcomed our new Chair Adrienne Young-Cooper. Kay was Chair for five years, and I know she will continue to follow our work with keen interest, as we continue in our mission to provide affordable rental housing for older Aucklanders.
1 October is the United Nations International Day of Older Persons, which is commemorated every year around the world. This year’s theme is ‘Ageing with Dignity: The Importance of Strengthening Care and Support Systems for Older Persons Worldwide’. Do think about going along to any themed events that may be taking place in your neighbourhood, or perhaps mark the day by celebrating together in your village. You can send us stories of your village activities by emailing the Helpdesk at info@haumaruhousing.co.nz or via your Community Manager.
It's traditionally spring cleaning month and I encourage everyone to responsibly dispose of one or two items that they may no longer require, or donate them to charitable organisations. Decluttering has been identified as a contributor to wellbeing – it can also reduce potential health and safety risks. Getting rid of items we don’t use creates more space and breathing room, allowing us to focus on the important things in life.
We are currently busy preparing our Annual Report for our Annual General Meeting which will be held on 15 October 2024 at 4.00pm at the EMA (Employers and Manufacturers Association) offices, 145 Khyber Pass Road, Grafton. Tenants and members of the public are welcome to attend, and the Annual Report will be available on our website following the meeting.
Ngā mihi
Gillian Schweizer,
Chief Executive Officer
New Chair for Haumaru Housing

We’re delighted to advise that Adrienne Young-Cooper has been appointed Chair of the Haumaru Housing Board. Adrienne (pictured left) brings a wealth of experience to us, with her current and past board roles spanning major infrastructure projects, housing and urban growth, and transport. As a former Chair of Housing New Zealand, Eke Panuku and Hobsonville Land Company Limited, she has overseen significant housing, land and property investment for social purpose.
In welcoming Adrienne, we would also like to express our immense gratitude to our outgoing Chair, Kay Hawk. Kay has guided us through some turbulent times, including the ‘COVID years’ from 2020 to 2022, and the floods and cyclones of 2023, while supporting us to consistently achieve annual tenant satisfaction rates of over 90% and increase the number of homes that we can make available to seniors in need. We extend Kay and her family our sincere thanks and good wishes for the future.
With our new three-year strategic plan in place and Adrienne named as Chair, we now enter an exciting new chapter, as we continue to make a positive difference in the lives of our tenants and all those who call a Haumaru village their home.
Autumn festival celebration

Our Chinese seniors at Beach Haven’s Lancaster Court got together recently to commemorate harvest festival, which takes place at this time of year in Chinese culture. A wonderful gathering was held in the village community house, with amazing food, companionship, fun and laughter. Although they were marking a tradition of their homeland, the tenants enjoyed being able to celebrate in Auckland and in their home at Lancaster Court where they say they’re especially happy.
A big ‘thank you’ to Papakura Vinnies

Our Takanini and Papakura villages were delighted to each receive a $50.00 gift voucher for Pak’nSave or New World from the Papakura St Vincent de Paul Society. The donations were made possible through proceeds earned in the popular Vinnies opportunity shop in Papakura. Tenants were also invited to a morning tea event hosted by St Vincents at St Mary’s Catholic Church on 20th August, which everyone greatly appreciated. The St Vincent de Paul Society is an international voluntary organisation in the Catholic Church dedicated to supporting those in the community who are vulnerable. It was established in 1833 in Paris and then in New Zealand in 1867; it has had a shop in Papakura since 1962. If any tenants have a free hour to spare and would like to help out in their local Vinnies, do call in and speak to the shop manager. You can read more about the organisation at www.svdp.org.nz.
Celebrating International Day of Older Persons

Tenants from Cockayne Court joined other seniors from the Sunnynook area at an afternoon tea get-together at the local community centre to celebrate International Day of Older Persons. The event was organised by the Centre Manager Bronwyn Bound, ably assisted by Community Activator for North Ruth Moloney on the teas and coffees. A lovely afternoon was enjoyed by all.
New lead contractor at your service

Tenants will have noticed our new facilities maintenance providers NZF out and about, as they commence their schedule of planned repairs and maintenance. NZF staff – and our contractors in general – will always be clearly identifiable by their uniforms, vehicles and name badges. Pictured are NZF staff members Ray (left) and Mose in front of the vehicle signage and in the work attire that tenants will be seeing from now on.