We want you to contact us in whatever way you feel most comfortable.


0800 430 101


Haumaru Housing Limited Partnership
PO Box 8475
Symonds Street
Auckland 1150

Apply for a Haumaru Housing home now

Experiencing difficulties?

If you experience any difficulties or have any customer service issues at all and would like to make a complaint, our confidential complaints process is designed to resolve any problems as quickly as possible. Just ring 0800 430 101 or email us at privacy@haumaruhousing.co.nz or download the feedback form below and post or email to us.

Chief Executive Officer
Gillian Schweizer
Mobile  021 228 6609
Email gillian.schweizer@haumaruhousing.co.nz

Media Enquiries
Janice Sanders
DDI  (09) 845 0837
Mobile  021 777 541
Email janice.sanders@haumaruhousing.co.nz

Need a hand?

Contact us on 0800 430 101