Kia ora,
Our first tenant advisory group meeting was held on 28 September, and I’d like to thank everyone who participated for the lively conversation and engagement. This meeting will be held quarterly and there’ll be opportunity for different tenants to participate each time. One of the items on the agenda was the acquisition of the portable BBQ, and the group agreed that this was a good idea, as it can be used for village events and good neighbour activities. I know that some villages will be planning their Christmas parties soon, so you’ll be able to book the BBQ by calling the Helpdesk.
We also discussed matters around tenants’ security and the options for village lighting, the content of the feedback forms following work undertaken by our contractors, and the six-monthly unit inspection process (which is part of tenants’ lease agreements). The group agreed that the inspections were a good time to catch up with their Community Manager and to focus on the unit interiors.
Recently, our Board members were out and about visiting villages and they very much enjoyed chatting to tenants. They were particularly pleased to see all the communal activities that are taking place, such as shared gardening, card games, Mahjong groups, walking groups and other joint initiatives. Thank you to all the tenants who took the time to stop and chat.
Lastly, I’d like to welcome to the team Malia, our new Community Manager, who will already be a familiar face by now.
Ngā mihi,
Happy gatherings at Lancaster Court
The community house at Beach Haven’s Lancaster Court was the venue for a lovely Mid-Autumn Festival event. The occasion was organised by five tenant couples to celebrate the Moon Festival (or ‘Mooncake Festival’), which is a harvest festival in Chinese culture. With wonderful company, amazing food and lots of laughter, the tenants enjoyed being able to celebrate in their home village where they say they’re very happy.
A superb brunch was also held recently at Lancaster Court’s community house, organised by Taka from Life Church. Accompanied by lots of singing and dancing to music on the guitar performed by one of the tenants, it was a great morning and very much appreciated.

Board members drop in to say ‘hello’
Members of the Haumaru Board enjoyed their visits around the villages, when they spent a day accompanying the Community Managers. Our newest Board member Jason Rogers is pictured with Lucille Hansell during his visit to Massey’s Flagstaff Court on 3 October.

Acacia tenants’ good neighbour initiative
Tenants of Papatoetoe’s Acacia Court have recently formed a committee to support one another and to encourage various joint activities. One such activity was a village BBQ which was held on 27 September and funded from proceeds raised from the raffles that are also sold at the village. What an awesome good neighbour initiative!

Morning tea at The Rose Centre
Tenants from the North Shore’s Belmont, Preston and Kings Courts were hosted to morning tea at The Rose Centre on 9 October. The venue’s Community Event Manager invited tenants to offer ideas for new activities that might be provided at the Centre. Suggestions included crafts (especially knitting or crochet), singing and line dancing, as well as card games. It was a very successful event, attended by eighteen tenants, with people exchanging phone numbers afterwards to arrange future catch-ups. Plans are now underway to arrange further morning teas at the Centre for the end of the year.

Welcome to Windsor Court!
Mairangi Bay’s Windsor Court was built in 1975 and is situated close to Windsor Park. Tenants of the 18 well maintained units are very independent: one very active tenant, Nancy, still does volunteer work and loves her garden, while ex-nurses Marian and Myrna are always ready to help when someone needs minor first aid treatment. As the village doesn’t have a community house, tenants enjoy going out for coffee or lunch at the Milford mall or visiting Kings Plant Barn in Wairau or Palmers on Greville Road. And everyone's now looking forward to the Christmas party that’s held each year in the village garden!

Spotlight on…new Community Manager Malia Taliai
Malo e le lei everyone. My name’s Malia, and I’m a NZ-born Tongan, hailing from the villages of Folaha and Kolomotua. I’m passionate about working with my community and supporting their journey in Mauri Ora, Mou’i Lelei or wellbeing. I grew up in South Auckland and am a mother and also a sports fan, especially of One New Zealand Warriors (‘Up the WAHS’!). Most importantly, I’m a believer in Christ and am thankful for this opportunity that Heavenly Father has set before me to work, learn and grow alongside Haumaru Housing and all the tenants within our villages. I look forward to meeting you all and journeying through this venture. I leave you with a Tongan proverb: ‘Ko E Koloa ‘A Tonga Ko E Fakamalo, The expression of gratitude is the treasure of Tonga’. See you soon, Malia.