Kia ora
As I visit our various villages across Auckland, I have the pleasure of meeting more and more of our tenants and learning a little about their background and how they enjoy living in a Haumaru community. This month’s celebration of the opening of our new Wilson Road village in Glen Eden gave me an opportunity not only to welcome the incoming tenants, but also to hear about the challenges that many older adults face in finding safe and secure housing - somewhere where they can feel they’re part of a supportive community. At the event, several community groups were also present, a reassuring indication that connections were already being forged and new contacts made.
The recent re-opening event for Otara Hall and the end-of-autumn cultural festival at Wiri’s Inverell Court (the latter organised by our friends at Independent Living Charitable Trust) are other great examples of the local community and tenants connecting. It sounds as though karaoke at these events was a particular highlight and appealed to all the generations attending, with teenagers and tenants alike taking part!
On a personal note, I’m delighted to have been appointed to the Haumaru Housing Chief Executive role. I now look forward to leading the organisation’s strategic plan and, with the support of our dedicated team, continuing to further improve on the high level of service that Haumaru provides. In this, your feedback, suggestions and compliments are always appreciated.
Ngā mihi maioha.
Gillian Schweizer,
Chief Executive Officer
Celebrating 41 new homes for seniors

On 7 October, Haumaru tenants, staff and other guests were joined by the Hon Carmel Sepuloni, Minister for Social Development and Employment, in celebrating the opening of our new housing development for older people at 2 Wilson Road, Glen Eden. Purpose-built by Kāinga Ora, the six-level building has 41 one-bedroom homes which have been designed to meet the specific needs of seniors. Close to local shops and other public amenities, it was completed in August and has been fully tenanted since the end of last month, with 45 tenants (including four couples) now calling 2 Wilson Road their new home. We wish all our new tenants good health and happiness, as they settle into their wonderful new abode.

The Minister spent time meeting some of the new Wilson Road tenants and also had a tour of the building.

Digitally savvy seniors
Tenants of Topping Court in Māngere East have recently been awarded certificates to mark their completion of the Digital Literacy Pathway 2 course. The Better Digital Futures for Seniors initiative is supported by the Office for Seniors and provides tuition in community settings for older people seeking help with getting online. Participants choose one of four Digital Pathways to learn new skills and build confidence using computers, smartphones or tablets, and the internet. Each Pathway consists of four two-hour classes delivered to small groups of learners. Haumaru Housing is delighted to work with education providers to offer this initiative to our tenants, and classes are held in the various community houses around the villages. Many congratulations to all our digitally savvy seniors!

Busy times ahead at the newly re-opened Otara Hall
A celebratory event has been held to mark the re-opening of Otara Hall which has now come under Haumaru’s management. Formerly known as ‘Otara Senior Citizens’ Lounge’ and owned by Auckland Council, the hall is located at the front of Otara Court, but has been closed for two years for repairs and maintenance. With Haumaru taking on the lease, the venue will now be available to Haumaru tenants for a wide range of social activities, meetings and other community-focussed events.
Following a dawn blessing on 12 September attended by a kaumatua from Ngāti Otara Marae, some Local Board members, tenants and Community Manager Talei Tasi, the official re-opening took place on 22 September. This was a very joyful affair, with tenants and staff enjoying the opportunity to catch up over morning tea and meeting the Chair and other members of the Local Board. The attendees were also treated to some musical performances by Sistema Aotearoa, an independent trust which works in partnership with the Auckland Philharmonia Orchestra to bring about social change, community empowerment and personal growth for children in Otara.
With the new arrangements in place, local community groups will also be able to use the hall for activities that involve our tenants. There’s already a busy timetable of bookings ahead and lots of events lined up, so there’s sure to be something for everyone to enjoy.

Hear all about it!
Haumaru Housing recently exhibited at the busy Manurewa Community Expo in the Southmall shopping centre, spreading the word about our housing services for older people. Supported by Manurewa Local Board, the event also provided an opportunity for our team to make contact with the many other service providers represented. Haumaru Tenancy Quality Manager Maxine Stiling says: ‘The contacts made on the day will allow us to introduce our tenants to a variety of organisations that support seniors or offer social activities for older people in the Manurewa area. We’ll be following up those ‘leads’ over the next few weeks, so watch this space!’. Maxine’s pictured on the right of our photo with Community Managers Nicky Bibby (left) and Danielia Jansen Van Rensburg.

A celebration of the ages
Bentley Court tenants Lynn Hewitt (left), Simone Choromanski (centre) and Charmaine Milne are pictured enjoying a tipple on the occasion of Charmaine’s 83rd birthday on 13 October. With Simone celebrating her 95th birthday this year, the Glenfield neighbours span three decades in terms of their ages, which adds to their friendship and makes it extra special. Charmaine’s looking forward to going on a cruise next year, a wonderful birthday gift from her children. Cheers everyone!