Kia ora
It was a special day on ANZAC Monday, when I attended a dawn ceremony remembering our servicemen and women and the role they’ve played in New Zealand’s history. It was also an opportunity to connect with family and friends in greater numbers, which we’re now able to do under the ‘Orange’ traffic light setting. ANZAC Day, however, also seems to signal a change in the weather, so I encourage you all to start preparing for the cooler months ahead – and remember to get your flu vaccination!
I’m pleased to advise that tenant outings will be commencing again, and the Community Managers will be happy to hear from you about any trips or activities you might like to participate in. I understand that visits to MOTAT, the Auckland Museum and the Zoo have been favourites. Please do speak to your Community Manager when they’re next in your village about the things you’d like to do. Or post your suggestions to us in the Haumaru letterbox, for your Community Manager to collect.
You may start to see more of our contractors around your village, now that we’ve entered the Orange setting. All maintenance work is underway again, including those smaller jobs that had to be put on hold at ‘Red’ but which will now be progressed as quickly as possible. We’ll also be making progress on installing heat pumps and ventilation systems as part of the Healthy Homes programme. Thank you for your patience, as we continue our work to enhance tenants’ village and living environments.
You’ll have seen that our annual tenant satisfaction survey is also underway. It would be wonderful if as many tenants as possible could return their completed questionnaires to the independent research company that’s conducting the survey on our behalf. Do let them know what you think is working well and where we might do better.
Finally, although New Zealand society is now opening up more, the country is still in COVID response mode. The Ministry of Health reminds us that there are three things everyone can and should do to protect themselves and others: get fully vaccinated, wear a mask where and when you need to (unless you have legal exemption), and stay at home if you feel unwell.
Take care, all, and enjoy the rest of May.
Gillian Schweizer,
GM operations
New community house for Gordon Court

On 12 May, tenants of Milford’s Gordon Court celebrated the official opening of their wonderful new community house, along with Haumaru team members and Ruth Jackson, Chair of the Devonport-Takapuna Local Board. The remodelled community space, which had previously been a laundry facility, has been extensively refurbished to create a welcoming area for tenants to enjoy social activities.
With a kitchenette, deck and ramp installed, new portable furniture and the addition of a bench seat outside, the transformation has been part of the village’s wider renovation programme. This has included the upgrading of paths, installation of new letterboxes and an earlier revamping of the village’s two existing operational laundries.
Since the move to Orange, all community houses have re-opened, with tenants requested to wear masks and use the hand sanitiser available at the entrance. As a result, villagers at Gordon Court can now look forward to making the most of their brand new, accessible and well-appointed meeting venue right on their doorstep.

Safety first
Staying safe in the community and at home was the theme of recent village meetings at Papatoetoe’s Acacia Court and Whitehaven Court. Important advice to everyone that we received from the local community constable includes:
- If an incident is taking place right now, call emergency 111.
- If you notice any stranger wandering around the village or any other suspicious behaviour, especially at night, call 111.
- If the event has already happened, call 105 to report it (make sure you’re given a police reference number).
- Secure all doors and windows and check that they’re locked at night; let Haumaru know if latches or door locks need fixing.
- Turn on outside lights at night. Let Haumaru know if any village lights aren’t working.
- Don’t leave items in your car.
- Don’t answer your door to anyone you don’t know or don’t want in your home; ask for ID if they say they represent an organisation. Don’t open your door at night, but ask the person to phone you.
- If you’re outside for an extended period (eg, in the garden), always lock your doors.
- Have a phone by your bed; have a personal or medical alarm that you can press in an emergency.
- Share your phone number with neighbours or other tenants.
- Arrange with a neighbour to phone or visit you, if they see your curtains still drawn after a certain time in the morning.
- Only discuss financial personal details with people you know and trust.
Tenant Satisfaction Survey underway
Our annual tenant satisfaction survey is now underway, and everyone should have received a questionnaire from the independent research company, Gravitas, which conducts this survey for Haumaru Housing every year. Gathering all your valuable feedback and comments about our range of services will help us improve our existing service delivery and enhance our planning for the future. So please do fill out the forms and have your say. Pop the sealed envelopes in your village letter box before 20 May, if possible, or post them back to Gravitas. If you would like to complete the survey with Gravitas by phone, they can be contacted on 09 356 8842 or at Thank you for helping us improve our service to you.
Spotlight on… Sean Mahon
Meet Sean Mahon, our new Facilities Manager who’s recently been appointed following the retirement of Basil Green (whom many of you will have met over the years). Originally from the UK, Sean’s been in New Zealand since 2006 and is a qualified plumber/gasfitter by trade. He joins us from Ventia (one of the largest essential services providers in New Zealand and Australia), where he was a service delivery manager responsible for the full facilities contract with Auckland Council. Sean says: ‘I’m very excited to be part of the Haumaru team, and my focus will be on maintaining and further improving our excellent service that’s provided to tenants’. When not at work, Sean enjoys spending time with his children and grandchildren and will be out fishing at any opportunity. Welcome to the team, Sean!

New COVID-19 mask exemption cards soon available
Face masks are a crucial part of our defence against the spread of COVID-19 and using them will help protect you. People who have genuine reasons for not being able to wear a face mask will soon be able to access a new personalised exemption card which will be legally recognised as conclusive proof of their exempt status.
The new cards will be entirely optional. If you already have a non-personalised exemption card from the Ministry of Health or the Disabled Persons Assembly, you can continue using it, but it won’t have the same legal status as the new version and can be questioned. The new card will assure businesses that the person presenting it is genuinely exempt from having to wear a mask, removing the degree of uncertainty that businesses have faced until now.
From 31 May, you can apply for a card through the Ministry of Health website ( and it will be issued digitally or by post. An 0800 number will be available, and it will also cater for those who need interpreter or translation services when requesting their card.
For the broader population, mask wearing will continue to be an important public health measure in reducing the likelihood of COVID-19 transmission and in keeping us all safe.