Tēnā koutou katoa
Warm greetings to you all. We've had several productive meetings this month, including with the Minster for Seniors the Honourable Casey Costello (see our article in this edition), and I'd like to thank those tenants of Leabank Court who participated in our discussions with the Minister. The tenant advisory group also met and provided helpful recommendations and insight into the use of the Haumaru BBQ, access to our monthly newsletter, and the recycling of household waste. Lastly, we also hosted researchers from Canada who met with some of our villagers to talk about the best models of providing support to senior tenants.
On a health and safety note, and following a recent fire in one of the villages, I'd like to remind you to check that your ovens are always switched off whenever you go out. Also, please remember that it's good practice to never leave paper, cloth or any other items on top of your oven in case it accidently switches itself on and sets fire to whatever's sitting on top.
That's all for now. Let's hope the weather doesn't get too chilly as winter approaches, and don't forget about the opportunity to get your free flu vaccination to protect against those seasonal ailments.
Ngā mihi,
Gillian Schweizer,
Chief Executive Officer
Marne Road tenants and young visitors mark ANZAC Day
Just before ANZAC Day, tenants of our 14 & 22 Marne Road villages in Papakura welcomed children from the local Kids Count Early Childhood Education centre for some ANZAC-related activities. The delightful group of four-year-olds sang songs and presented a Show-and-Tell of wreathes and other arts and crafts items which they'd made to be placed on the ANZAC war memorial. Morning tea was shared and the time spent together was enjoyed by all.

Minister Costello visits Leabank Court
The Minster for Seniors, the Honourable Casey Costello, is pictured(front right) with CEO Gillian Schweizer (front left), Community Manager Nicky Bibby and Community Services Operations Manager Roland Phillips during her visit to Manurewa’s Leabank Court on 3 May. The Minister had accepted our invitation to visit a Haumaru Housing village to meet tenants and staff and to learn about Haumaru’s work in providing homes for older people. A range of topics was discussed during the visit, including the need for more affordable rental housing in Auckland and the various challenges that senior renters face due to the shortage of suitable accommodation. We look forward to continuing our dialogue with the Minister and with her ministerial housing colleagues on these issues in the coming months.

Recycling right at Waimana and Acacia Courts
Tenants of Waimana and Acacia Courts in Takanini and Papatoetoe recently enjoyed ‘Recycle Right’ presentations by Auckland Council’s Community Waste Wise Team that were both educational and fun. An array of information was shared by the team on healthy recycling, as well as great resources and tips on how to minimise waste at home and in everyday life – always remember the 3 R’s: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. They also mentioned what a good job tenants were already doing with their recycling, especially with soft plastics. You can learn more about how to reduce waste at: www.wastenothing.co.nz/our-zero-waste-journey/waste-hierarchy/

Digital literacy success!
Congratulations to the eight tenants from Ōtara and Hills Courts who’ve just finished a three-day digital literacy course which was held in Ōtara Court village hall. Participants learned how to use their Smartphones effectively, and the course also covered the use of tablets and laptops. Our thanks to Ōtara-Papatoetoe Local Board who funded the course, which was delivered by South East Auckland Senior Citizens' Association Inc (Seasca).

Connector service provides additional help and support
Welcome to our new ‘Connectors’ from Age Concern Auckland who are now available to Haumaru tenants to provide advice and support in accessing services related to health, wellbeing, self-care, housing and community engagement. The Connectors’ role is to offer personalised assistance and guidance to address a tenant’s individual needs and to connect them with the relevant services and resources. You can contact a Connector directly through Age Concern’s local offices on 09 820 0184 (for Central and West Auckland), 09 279 4331 (for Counties Manukau), or 09 489 4975 (for the North Shore). Or you can ask your Community Manager to support you in making a referral.
Thanks to our partner, The Selwyn Foundation, for their assistance in jointly funding this position.

Spotlight on Hutchinson Village
Hutchinson Village in New Lynn is home to 16 tenants, who love to engage within their community and to socialise with their fellow seniors. When asked what brings them joy as tenants of Haumaru Housing, everyone says without hesitation “Our beautiful homes”. The village’s neat and well-cared for lawns and gardens are also a source of pride, and tenants value the expert maintenance of their outdoor areas. One tenant shares that it makes them proud to not only be a tenant, but also to feel as though they’re cared for. Having their voices heard and the dedicated work put into the village creates a sense of community amongst tenants, affirming their vision of a safe, secure and positive home environment.

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