Tēnā koutou
We had a very productive strategic planning day in early May and agreed on several key areas to focus on going forward. We'll now be seeking feedback from tenants on these so that we can actualise them to best meet tenants' needs. Please look out for opportunities to provide your feedback and suggestions in the coming weeks, as we'll be holding some morning tea sessions to enable your participation.
This month, we’ve also been delighted to welcome two visiting MPs, who were keen to hear about the issues that are important to older people generally as well as what concerns tenants in their local constituencies specifically. The discussions were wide-ranging, and we were pleased to be able to advocate on behalf of all our tenants and for the community housing sector as a whole.
I’d like to thank the tenants who responded to our annual satisfaction survey which will provide us with helpful insights into the things that are working well and where there may be opportunities for improvement. We’ll share the results in a future edition of the newsletter, once they’ve been analysed by the independent research company, Gravitas.
Finally, I’d like to warmly welcome two new members of our Facilities team – Lynda Hermsen who’s joined us in the newly created role of Capex Coordinator to support the team on the larger facilities projects, and Luke Munzone who’ll start in late May as Facilities Coordinator, replacing our former handyman Andy.
Ngā mihi maioha
Gillian Schweizer,
Chief Executive Officer
Haumaru Housing Good Neighbour Programme

We’d like to remind everyone about the Haumaru Good Neighbour Programme which is designed to support tenants in developing and maintaining a sense of peace, harmony, community and mutual support within their village. Being a good neighbour is based on inclusion, respect, acceptance and communication within our village communities. The Good Neighbour Programme is tenant-driven and very much depends on tenant engagement to be successful.
A good neighbour should:
- welcome new tenants, help one another, look out for neighbours who are unwell, keep an eye on each other and on neighbouring units, let others know of absences, and share contact information in case of emergencies
- get to know their neighbours, help reduce isolation and improve communication amongst each another.
If you haven’t seen your neighbour out and about and are concerned for their wellbeing, please call our Helpdesk on 0800 430 101 to let us know, so we can follow up.
If you would like a copy of the Good Neighbour Programme booklet, please ask your Community Manager or contact the Helpdesk.
Nice to meet you!
Haumaru villagers and staff have recently hosted visits by local MPs who have been keen to learn about village life and the services that are available to tenants.
Tenants of Torbay Village and Windsor Court (Mairangi Bay) enjoyed discussing matters of both local and global importance over a cuppa with National MP for East Coast Bays, Erica Stanford, when she visited on 21 April. Erica, whose constituency office is in Browns Bay, answered a wide range of tenants’ questions and promised to come back to visit again in the future.

Labour MP for Manurewa, Arena Williams, met with Haumaru CEO Gillian and members of the team to hear about Haumaru’s plans for growth, given the nationwide shortage of social housing, and how we support tenants to connect with their community. As Arena is particularly interested in advocating for the seniors in her constituency, our Community Managers were able to provide a helpful overview of the key issues of most importance to our tenants in the area.
Keep doing what you love with ACC's free digital balance app, Nymbl
ACC has launched a free balance exercise app, called ‘Nymbl’, to help older people take control of their wellness by incorporating balance exercise into their lifestyle. Nymbl enables you to do balance exercises wherever you are, whenever you want, so improving your balance, reducing your chance of falling and helping you stay confident and independent.
Whether you want to improve or maintain your balance, the app will take you through simple body movements that are easy to fit into a daily routine. The programme is fun, safe and quick – taking only 10 minutes a day to improve your balance.

The app is completely free and simple to use and enrolling is easy. Step-by-step instructions show how to download and to use the app from a ‘smart’ device. You can get the app from the App Store or Google Play Store. By taking part in the app-lead balance activity every day, you can keep doing the things you love.
For more ideas on incorporating strength and balance activity into your everyday life, visit www.acc.co.nz/preventing-injury/ trips-falls/strength-and-balance/
Knitter knatters
Keen knitters Catherine Kelly (left) and Laurel Vance (right) of Peggy Phillips Village in Takapuna can always be found on a Wednesday morning at the Knitting Friendship Group in the Devonport Community House. Over some home baking and a cup of tea, the two neighbours enjoy a chat with the other group members whilst knitting for a range of good causes.

The neighbours create beautiful, warm baby clothes which are donated to wonderful organisations such as the Wilson Home Trust for children with disabilities, Warming Hearts NZ Trust for babies who are in desperate need, Middlemore Hospital and the Society of St Vincent de Paul which provides practical assistance to those in need. Thank you so much, Catherine and Laurel, for devoting your skills and expertise to help support and care for the most vulnerable in our communities.
Pop into your local Selwyn Centre and join in the fun
Have you been to your local Selwyn Centre lately? Supported by Haumaru Housing partner, The Selwyn Foundation, there are 20 of these community drop-in centres across Auckland which enable older people to meet up each week in a friendly environment with others from their local neighbourhood.
The Centres welcome people of all faiths and backgrounds and offer a lively programme of social activities, gentle exercise, morning tea and occasional trips out and about. Based mainly in local Anglican parish halls and hosted by a coordinator and volunteers, the Centres offer fun, friendship and good conversation, with transport and a hot lunch also provided at some venues.

For details of your local Selwyn Centre, visit selwynfoundation.org.nz and look for the Community/Social Engagement section, or speak to your Community Manager.
Read all about it!

Are you looking for relevant and up-to-date information about ageing?
The Selwyn Foundation’s ‘Selwyn Digest’ articles are focused on topics that evidence shows are top-of-mind for older people and whānau. If you’d like to receive regular emailed updates, visit selwynfoundation.org.nz/learning/selwyn-digest-sign-up/ to sign up.
The Selwyn website also offers a vast array of articles on fascinating and practical topics about ageing. So sign up today and ‘read all about it’!