There’s definitely a chill in the air, so it’s a good idea to think about getting your flu shot as soon as possible. As with the COVID-19 vaccine, the flu vaccination will not only help protect you against a serious disease, but will also provide protection for your loved ones as well as your fellow villagers. So the more of us who are immunised, the less likely it’ll spread amongst our communities. Just bear in mind that, ideally, there should be a gap of two weeks or more between your influenza and COVID vaccinations.
I’m sure that many of you will have welcomed the recent travel bubbles with Australia and the Cook Islands. This two-way quarantine-free travel highlights the benefits of New Zealand’s approach to eliminating COVID-19, and means that people can now reunite with their families and commercial arrangements can resume. Of course, we can’t take our COVID-free status for granted, so everyone needs to continue taking all the usual precautions and – particularly – make sure they get vaccinated as soon as they can. The COVID-19 vaccination will help life return to normal – so let’s do it for each other.
Stay safe and keep well.
Gabby Clezy,
Chief Executive Officer
Haumaru Housing Tenant Survey 2021
Our annual tenant satisfaction survey is underway, and we hope that everyone will participate. The more tenants who return the completed questionnaire, the more it will help us to make improvements in the villages and further enhance our services to you.
You’ll receive the survey from the independent research company, Gravitas, who are managing the process on our behalf. It should only take around 10 minutes to complete.
Ways to complete the survey:
• fill in the form in writing, then post it back to Gravitas or pop it into the Haumaru village letter box
• scan and email it to
• complete it at via the Haumaru Housing link and enter your Survey ID Number (top of the form)
• call 09 917 1055 to answer the questions over the phone.
We really want to know what you think we’re doing well and how we can do better. So fill in that form today!
Car parking good practice
Just a reminder that only tenants’ cars should be parked on village property and in designated parking areas only. No more than one vehicle per household is to be parked on site (you may need to park on the street) and there are no allocated car parks for specific tenants. Where possible, we will try to accommodate tenants with registered disabilities who have a disability mobility card.
Any vehicle parked on village grounds must be registered and have a current warrant of fitness. There’s no parking for commercial vehicles, boats, trailers, motor homes, trucks or other similar types of vehicle. Visitors (except those with a mobility card) must park on the streets.
In the interest of good neighbourliness, please be mindful of the above parking restrictions.
Spotlight on: Debbie Veninga

You’ll hear a new voice when you next call our 0800 Service Desk, as Debbie Veninga has recently joined us as Customer Service Coordinator. Debbie previously spent fourteen years in property management as a Senior Property Manager and has also worked as a member of the ground staff for United Airlines and Air New Zealand. She’s very much a ‘people-person’ and is excited about the variety and new challenges that her role with Haumaru offers. When not at work, Debbie enjoys spending as much time as possible with her family and looking after her grandchildren.
She takes over from Lei Tasi, who was in the position from 2018 and has now moved into a Community Manager role.
Jack Smyth Court tenants celebrate refurbished community house
Waitākere Ward councillors Linda Cooper and Shane Henderson joined tenants of Massey’s Jack Smyth Court and Haumaru staff on 4 May to celebrate the re-opening of the village’s newly renovated community house. Everyone enjoyed morning tea and the chance to catchup with their neighbours amidst the warm and welcoming surroundings. Councillors Cooper and Henderson spoke of how much they always enjoy getting out and about in their constituency and meeting local residents. They’re pictured at the event with tenants, Gabby Clezy and Community Manager Mirela Sandu.

Look out for the Winter Energy Payment
The Winter Energy Payment will be paid from 1 May to 1 October to help people keep their homes warmer and healthier over winter. You don’t need to apply for the Winter Energy Payment: if you’re eligible, you’ll get it automatically with your other payments.
Last year, the rate was higher to help people through COVID-19, but it’s back to normal this year at $31.82 a week for couples and $20.46 a week for single people. As 1 May is part-way through the pay period, you won’t get the full amount in your first May payment – your second payment will be for the full amount.
For couples receiving NZ Super or Veteran’s Pension, the Winter Energy Payment is paid to one person, because the payment system can’t split it across two accounts. You can switch the payment to the other person’s account by calling the Work and Income Seniors line on 0800 552 002.
There’s more information about the Winter Energy Payment at
Visiting MP delighted by warm reception on fact-finding tour
National Party List MP Nicola Willis said she was ‘blown away’ by everyone’s generosity of time and ideas when she visited Mangere East’s Topping and Bridge Courts and Henderson’s Wilsher Village on 22 April as part of a fact-finding tour.
Nicola, who is National’s spokesperson for Housing and Urban Development, had been invited by CEO Gabby Clezy to visit Haumaru and learn about our work in providing affordable rental homes for older people. The Wellington-based MP spent a half-day around the villages, meeting with tenants over morning tea in Topping Court’s community house and also chatting with Wilsher tenants over tea. At Wilsher, she had the opportunity to visit some tenants in their homes and was also treated to a surprise musical performance.
She’s since written to us to thank everyone for hosting her, adding that she gained so much from talking to Haumaru’s ‘dedicated employees and diverse tenants’.

Controlling mould in your home
Mould is a common problem caused by the presence of too much moisture in poorly ventilated areas. The most common cause of excess moisture is condensation. A dry, well-ventilated unit is healthier for you, so to keep mould at bay:
• Wipe condensation off windows and walls
• Open a window when cooking and keep lids on pots
• During and after showering, ventilate the bathroom with a window or extractor fan if fitted
• Do not hang wet washing inside
• Leave wardrobes slightly open for ventilation, and pull beds and furniture away from walls so they can breathe
• Keep the shower curtain hanging inside the shower, so water doesn’t drip onto the floor (wash the curtain every few weeks)
• Unflued portable gas heaters should never be used, as they create a lot of moisture and dangerous gas build-up.
Remove mould with diluted household bleach as soon as it appears. Use a clean sponge/cloth and rinse it often to reduce the risk of the mould spreading; open windows while you clean.