Well, winter has definitely arrived with a vengeance. On the positive side, though, the days are starting to get longer so we can see light at the end of the tunnel!
Despite the weather, I trust you’re still managing to get out and about. Don’t forget to book for one of our minivan outings (ask your Community Manager where they’re going next). In the last year - despite COVID-19 restrictions - we’ve organised a massive number of trips, events, joint activities with other organisations and general happenings for tenants’ enjoyment – 698 in fact! I do hope you join in the fun and take the opportunity to meet up with your neighbours and possibly make new friends and contacts, too.
The results of our annual tenant satisfaction survey are in, and we’ve had the highest return rate ever – 65%. We’re delighted that 94% of tenants have said that they’re satisfied with the services we provide. We’ll bring you more details in our next edition but, in the meantime, I’d like to thank everyone who took part and for your wonderful endorsement of the work of the Haumaru team.
We feel proud and honoured to be able support our seniors to live independently in their own home for as long as possible. So embrace this independence and the ability to still do things under your own steam!
Stay safe and keep well.
Gabby Clezy,
Chief Executive Officer
Tenants enjoy safety update from their community constables

At a recent community safety workshop held at Massey’s Flagstaff Court, tenants enjoyed a presentation from their Community Constable Mike Nolan and his colleague, Carlo De Martin, the Community Constable for the Ranui area. The officers spoke about various aspects of crime prevention and safety, and what the general public can do to report any issues. At the end of the session, they also spent time answering a range of tenants’ questions on a one-to-one basis. Their top safety tips are:
• Call 111 if it’s an emergency.
• Call 105 if it’s not urgent, but still a very important issue requiring Police attention.
• Always keep your doors locked.
• Ideally, don’t open your door to strangers and don’t be afraid to say ‘No’.
• If you do open the door to someone who’s offering a service, ask to see their photo identification.
On behalf of everyone at Haumaru Housing, thank you to Community Constables Mike and Carlo for everything you do for our neighbourhood safety.
Edgar’s lifetime of music

Meet Edgar Robinson of Beach Haven’s Lancaster Court who’s been playing the piano since he was seven years old. Now 84, Edgar has a very wide repertoire and can play many different styles – from much loved hymns to well-known, popular tunes and everything else in between!
With a good ‘ear’ for rhythm, he can pick up almost any melody and play along on the piano. An extremely talented pianist, Edgar can also play the organ which he used to do in church when he lived in Palmerston North. Now he plays the piano every Friday for the residents of CHT Onewa Hospital and Rest Home in
Birkenhead. Edgar’s piano at home was built in 1916 and is still going strong. To misquote a line from the movie ‘Casablanca’, play it again, Edgar!
Be aware of the risk of elder abuse and neglect
World Elder Abuse Awareness Day was held on 15 June to raise awareness around the globe of this increasing problem.
Elder abuse is a single or repeated act, or lack of appropriate action, occurring within any relationship where there is an expectation of trust, which causes harm or distress to an older person. Elder abuse can fit into different types of abuse, and often several types occur together. It can be psychological, financial, physical, neglect or institutional, for example. Research shows that 10% of the over-65s living in New Zealand experience abuse. It’s estimated that only one in 14 abuse incidences is brought to the attention of a service agency that can intervene and help stop it.
Age Concern provides confidential Elder Abuse Services throughout the country, and contact details can be found on their website www.ageconcern.org.nz. You can also call 0800 EA NOT OK (0800 32 668 65) or Age Concern on 0800 652 105.
It’s important to know that there are services available that can help. However, if you or someone you know is in immediate danger, always call 111.
Happy 90th birthday, Vince!

Hillcrest Court tenants came out in force on 14 July to wish their neighbour Vincent Keating a very happy 90th birthday. Vincent has lived at Hillcrest in Northcote for over 17 years and is a popular member of the village community.
His birthday celebrations happened to coincide with Kaipatiki Community Facilities Trust’s monthly sausage sizzle at the village. As well as partaking of the refreshments, he enjoyed showing off some great dance moves on what turned out to be a sunny day (despite the winter chill). Many happy returns, Vince!

Spotlight on: Maxine Farrimond

Welcome to Maxine Farrimond who’s recently joined us as Tenancy Quality Manager from Waitemata District Health Board, where she was a Quality and Patient Safety Lead for surgical and ambulatory services. Maxine is a qualified registered nurse and has many years’ experience in the health sector, having undertaken a variety of roles in both New Zealand and the UK. With a passion for quality improvement, she’s looking forward to further strengthening Haumaru’s focus on health and wellbeing, and encouraging tenants to seek services to maintain their independence for as long as they’re physically able. A trained COVID vaccinator, she feels deeply committed to continuing this important mission in her spare time, until – she says – ‘at least three million of our team of five million are vaccinated’. When not at work, she loves the outdoors and enjoys walking with her Springer Cross Collie, ziplining and racing her husband on the Luge!
Mr Kim’s secret to a long life
Another tenant celebrated a special birthday recently – centenarian In Myung Kim of Massey’s Jack Smyth Court. Originally from North Korea, Mr Kim’s secret to living a long life has been to keep himself very busy – and he also credits New Zealand’s fresh air for his longevity! A keen gardener, he likes to keep fit as well, exercising for 40 minutes every morning. He takes care of his six cockatiels, enjoys reading and goes on the occasional bus trip in the Selwyn minivan. Mr Kim was profiled recently in both the NZ Herald and on the news website Stuff.co.nz, as he’s the only North Korean escapee in New Zealand (he escaped to South Korea in 1950, when Korea was divided between the Soviet Union and the US, following Japan’s surrender at the end of World War II). Mr Kim was actually born in 1922, but celebrated his 100th birthday this year according to his Korean age (when Koreans are born, they’re considered to be one year old). He’s pictured at his birthday party which was organised by his friends from church and the Korean community.