Tēnā koutou
Now that the COVID-19 traffic light system is in place, I hope you’ll be able to make the most of the new freedoms it offers and get out and about more over summer. If you’re fully vaccinated or test negative for COVID-19, I’m sure you’ll be looking forward to reuniting with your whānau in other parts of the country in the coming weeks.
You’ll need to use your ‘My Vaccine Pass’ to go to certain places, though, so do make sure you arrange yours at your earliest opportunity (see our article overleaf). You can only get it after you’ve had your second dose.
The three key things for us all to remember this summer will be: Mask, Scan, Pass:
• Take your mask when you leave the house and be ready to wear it
• Scan in wherever you go
• Get your My Vaccine Pass so you can go to all your favourite places.
It’ll also be important to continue with all the usual COVID health and safety practices. We’ve seen new waves of the virus overseas – and the Omicron variant is a threat now, too – so best to keep up all the good work as an extra safeguard.
Over the holidays, our staff will be on duty and you can call us 24/7 on our usual number. You can contact us at any time – we’re always here to help. Calls made out of office hours (and during the public holidays) will be answered by our after-hours service as normal.
On behalf of all the team at Haumaru Housing, I’d like to wish you a Meri Kirihimete me te Hape Nū Ia.
Ngā mihi maioha
Gabby Clezy,
Chief Executive Officer
The Traffic Light system delivers greater freedoms for vaccinated New Zealanders
The new COVID-19 Protection Framework (traffic light system) is designed to minimise the impact of COVID and to provide protection through three settings – Red, Orange and Green – introducing more freedoms for vaccinated New Zealanders. The Framework is intended to give as much certainty and stability as possible for people and businesses, reducing the need for widespread lockdowns in the future.
At the time of writing, Auckland is in the ‘Red’ setting. Red is when the virus is spreading in a way that means we need to take action to protect our most vulnerable and prevent too much pressure on our health system. So, while the hospitality sector is open with the use of vaccine passes for customers, and retail is also open with the usual public health measures, gathering limits and physical distancing are also required. Masks are still needed, too, and regional boundary restrictions may apply.
Orange is when there’s increasing community transmission that’s putting pressure on our health system. There may be an increasing risk for vulnerable people. Everything remains open and, for those venues that use vaccine passes, all of the gathering limits currently in place for events, gatherings or hospitality can lift. Places that choose not to use vaccine passes will either be closed or will have public health measures in place. Regional boundary restrictions won’t apply.
Green is when there’s some COVID-19 in the community but at low levels. Fully vaccinated people can enjoy all events, hospitality and gatherings by showing a vaccine pass. Where premises choose not to use vaccine passes, they’ll face restrictions on numbers and spacing. Regional boundary restrictions won’t apply.
The new COVID-19 Protection Framework will help protect our communities, whilst keeping our health system running well and businesses open.

Booster doses are now available
Booster doses of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine are now available to anyone aged 18 and older who completed their primary course of vaccines (for most people, a primary course is two doses) at least six months ago.
If you’re eligible, you can book an appointment for your booster dose on bookmyvaccine.covid19.health.nz or by calling the COVID Vaccination Healthline on 0800 28 29 26 (8am to 8pm, 7 days a week).
More information about booster doses can be found on the Ministry of Health website at www.health.govt.nz.

AstraZeneca vaccine as an alternative option
Appointments to receive the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine can now also be made on BookMyVaccine or by calling the COVID Vaccination Healthline. The AstraZeneca vaccine is available for those aged 18 and older who cannot receive the Pfizer vaccine, and for people who would like a different option. More information about the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine can be found on the Ministry of Health website.
Roll up, roll up – Get your vaccine pass
If you haven’t already done so, now’s the time to apply for your vaccine pass, which is an official record of your COVID-19 vaccination status for use within New Zealand. You’ll need to show this to gain access to places that require proof of vaccination under the new COVID-19 Protection Framework such as pubs, restaurants and cafes which pose a higher risk of transmission (although it’s not required for entry to supermarkets, pharmacies, health services, food banks and petrol stations). There’s an exemption process for the small number of people who can’t get a vaccination for medical reasons.
A total of 3.7 million My Vaccine Passes have now been issued. If you’re fully vaccinated, you can get a pass online, over the phone or in person at a pharmacy.
For more on the vaccine pass, see: covid19.govt.nz/covid-19-vaccines/covid-19-vaccinationcertificates/my-vaccine-pass. Or you can call 0800 222 478 between 8.00am and 8.00pm, seven days a week, or ring your nearest participating pharmacy
(see tinyurl.com/covid-pharmacy for details).

Stay safe over summer
To help you stay safe from COVID-19 over summer, the Ministry of Health has provided the following tips for preventing or minimising the spread of the virus during
what can be a busy social period.
• Get fully vaccinated, as this is the best protection against COVID-19.
• Don’t attend an event or mix with others if you’re feeling unwell; please stay at home.
• Take note of who you socialise with. If you mix with new people, keep a note of who they are.
• Have My Vaccine Pass ready, either on your phone or a paper copy, for places that require proof of vaccination to enter.
• Remember to scan into places using the NZ COVID-19 Tracer App as well as on all public transport (including taxis, buses and trains). You might not be able to remember all the places you visit, or when and what route you took to travel to an event, so get into the habit of scanning in every time you enter a new place.
• Wash or sanitise your hands upon entering and exiting venues. Keep some hand sanitiser in your pockets or bag.
• If you begin to experience COVID-19 symptoms, go directly home or to your accommodation. Contact Healthline or your health professional who can advise whether you should be tested. If you’re advised to get a test, please do so immediately.
• Wear a mask or face covering and try and keep one with you at all times.
• Practise good hygiene by washing or sanitising your hands regularly; sneeze or cough into your elbow.
• If you’re sick, don’t host gatherings or invite people over.
• If you’re hosting or inviting people into your home, don’t encourage people to attend if they’re unwell; instead, suggest that they get tested for COVID-19. Keep a note of everyone who visits you at home. Encourage guests to wash and dry their hands or to sanitise their hands upon arrival and practise good hygiene. Consider having windows or doors open to provide ventilation. Weather permitting, try and host your event outdoors, and limit the number of people preparing, handling and serving food.
Look after yourself and your whānau this festive season and summer holidays.