Your rent is payable in advance. You can pay by way of an assignment of any benefit that you receive from WINZ, including National Superannuation or pay Haumaru Housing directly.

Please note that under no circumstances will our staff accept cash for any payments that are due to us. If you want to use cash for a one-off payment, you can lodge the funds directly into our account at your bank or online.

Bank account name:

Haumaru Housing Limited Partnership

Bank account number:



If you do this, please make sure you tell us so that we can correctly credit your payment to your account.

We would prefer you to pay by Direct Debit or Assignment of Benefit as we find this is more convenient and efficient for our tenants. Please ask your Community Manager to send you a pre-populated Assignment of Benefit form for you to sign and return. Click here for a copy of the Direct Debit form.

The bond that you pay to us will be lodged with Tenancy Services, who will retain it until the tenancy terminates. When the tenancy ends both you and us need to sign a Bond Refund Form authorising the release of the bond. If there is damage to the tenancy or it is not left reasonably clean and reasonably tidy, we will claim any costs we incur from the bond.

We do not charge letting fees.

Need a hand?

Contact us on 0800 430 101