Newsletters | Haumaru Housing

October 2024 | Newsletters | Haumaru Housing

Written by Haumaru Housing | Oct 30, 2024 11:00:00 AM

Tēnā koutou katoa

I hope you’ve been enjoying the slightly milder weather we’ve been having recently and are looking forward to longer, sunnier days to come.

You may have read in the media recently about changes to the Government’s Income Related Rent Subsidy (IRRS) and how it might affect older people in need of social housing. Haumaru Housing has formally requested that the Government reconsider its decision, and we’re seeking to work collaboratively on solutions to ensure that vulnerable seniors continue to have access to IRRS and suitable and affordable rental housing options. I’d like to reassure you, however, that there will be no changes to our current tenants’ rent as a result of this legislative change (other than at your annual rent review) and that no one living in a Haumaru village is at risk of their tenancy ending. I’ll update you as soon as we have a solution.

You might also have read about an allocation of funding from Auckland Council to Haumaru Housing, in relation to the historic sale of 24 Marlowe Road, Blockhouse Bay, gifted by Mr R B Thompson. We are most grateful for this additional funding and would like to acknowledge the wonderful legacy that Mr Thompson and his wife have left for older people in Auckland.

On a different note, our Annual General Meeting took place on 15 October which was an opportunity to review the past financial year and all that we achieved in that time. Our 2023/24 Annual Report is available on our website for you to read (at, and I’d like to thank those tenants whose photographs are featured in the publication.

This month, we’ve also been continuing the six-monthly tenancy checks, and our Community Managers have been enjoying connecting with each of our tenants and having great conversations with all.  

I’m pleased to share that we will be focusing on running an article each month on our four Haumaru Values:  Kindness, Responsiveness, Respect and Accountability. The first – Manaaki/Kindness – is featured in this issue. We would love to hear examples about our Values in action in your village – do send us your stories.

Just a final request to everyone – if you need to log a repair or maintenance job, please would you ring the Haumaru Helpdesk on 0800 430 101. Our new contractors, NZF, have been receiving quite a few calls from tenants lately, which they need to refer on to us for scheduling. It’s more straightforward if calls are made to Haumaru in the first instance and enables us to progress and follow up on each job through our normal processes.

Ngā mihi nui

Gillian Schweizer,

Chief Executive Officer

Manaaki: central to all that we do

Manaaki is one of Haumaru’s four Values. Manaaki is explained as meaning ‘to look after, to care for, to show respect or kindness to others’. As part of the word, ‘mana’ means ‘status, influence and prestige’, and ‘aki’ means ‘to lift up’. So, by showing respect to one another, we’re lifting people up and acknowledging their contribution.

In demonstrating manaaki, we’re also supporting others and extending hospitality. We see this every day at Haumaru – in how new tenants are welcomed by existing tenants, and by how tenants support one another in their times of need. In the Haumaru office, manaaki is seen where people are acknowledged for things they’ve done and the positive difference they’ve made in assisting others.

Please do share with us your stories of maanaki; call us on 0800 430 101 or tell your Community Manager of times when you’ve observed manaaki in your village.

A man of many talents

Meet Deigh Davies of Waiuku’s Norfolk village. At the age of 94 – and despite having had a stroke a few years ago – Deigh has a great zest for life and and still indulges in his life-long passion for music. Deigh has been a man of many trades over his lifetime, but is best described as a professional musician. He had a long career playing in big bands in both London and New Zealand and is a skilled guitarist (he taught himself to play). His love of musical instruments also includes the keyboard, which he took up later in life, and the ukelele.

Originally from the UK, Deigh and his wife of 63 years, Valerie, came to live in New Zealand with their three young sons in 1966 and are both active members of the local community. Deigh volunteers at the Waiuku Museum, attends Probus and he and Valerie enjoy dancing at the local Cosmopolitan Club. Deigh also makes sure he goes out for his daily walk to maintain his fitness, is very ‘computer-savvy’ and still makes music. Long may it continue. You ‘rock’, Deigh!

Spotlight on…the Haumaru Housing Facilities team

Tenants may recognise members of our seven-strong Facilities team, who do an excellent job ensuring that Haumaru homes and village grounds are well maintained all year round. The team’s responsible for overseeing all the unit renovations and repairs that are undertaken, and for the many enhancement and upgrade projects around the villages. These include, for example, installing new paths for greater accessibility, upgrading laundry facilities, undertaking exterior painting, transforming underutilised areas into vibrant community spaces and implementing new drainage systems as part of larger landscaping projects.

Do say ‘Hi’ when you next see any members of the team. If you need to contact them or to request a repair job at any time, please ring our Haumaru Helpdesk direct on 0800 430 101 (rather than our NZF contractors).

Back row: Nathan White (Facilities Lead Project Manager) and Sean Mahon (Head of Facilities).

Front row: Lynda Hermsen (Capex Project Coordinator), Jo Ealand (Capex Programme Manager), Jehan Hyder (Asset Project Manager), Jamie Ong Chuan (Facilities Project Manager) and Natalia Ha (Facilities Maintenance Coordinator).

Out and about

Tenants of Belmont’s Preston Court were treated to a sausage sizzle under sunny skies during their village meeting on 4 October, with Community Manager Lisa and Community Services Operations Manager Roland Phillips ‘on the barbie’!  

Milford and Takapuna villagers enjoyed a morning tea at Sunnynook community centre on 26 September, hosted by Community Manager Mirela. It also included an informative presentation by Auckland Council’s WasteWise team on how to dispose wisely of household rubbish.


Tenants of the North Shore’s Bentley, Lancaster and Birkdale Courts enjoyed a wonderful trip to West Lynn Garden and Butterfly House in New Lynn on 22 October, where there are four and a half acres of beautiful trees, flowering shrubs and a huge Monarch Butterfly house. Selwyn minibus driver, Maggie Oppelt, is pictured with Lancaster Court’s Eugene Tan

Community Managers Tony, Danielia and Nicky promoted Haumaru Housing at the Community Wellness Expo, held at Southmall Shopping Centre, Manurewa, on 10 October.

If you’re concerned about an immediate threat to life or property, call the emergency services on 111.