Newsletters | Haumaru Housing

March 2022 | Newsletters | Haumaru Housing

Written by Haumaru Housing | Mar 29, 2022 11:00:00 AM

Kia ora koutou katoa

As I write, Auckland is currently feeling the effects of the Omicron outbreak, with large numbers of people contracting the variant throughout the city on a daily basis. Therefore, it’s extremely important that everyone continues to heed all the public health guidance on how to stay safe, so we can try to ward off the virus for as long as possible.    

Vaccination is still our main defence against Omicron, and the vaccination interval for getting the booster shot has now reduced from four months to three. The strengthened immunity achieved through this third dose makes a real difference in reducing community transmission and hospitalisation rates. If you’re eligible but haven’t yet had your booster, I strongly recommend that you organise this at your earliest opportunity. Your whānau and those you love will thank you for it.

If you find yourself needing to talk, or you’re feeling anxious due to the ongoing COVID situation (or anything else), you can contact the 1737 support line: free call or text 1737 at any time of the day or night. If you need some form of additional support, don’t hesitate to ring us on 0800 430 101 and we’ll help in whatever way we can.

Take care and stay safe.

Ngā mihi maioha

Gabby Clezy,

Chief Executive Officer

Spotlight on…Gillian Schweizer

Welcome to Gillian Schweizer who’s recently joined the Haumaru team in the new role of General Manager Operations. Gillian has worked in the health and disability and social services sectors for over 25 years. Originally qualified as a Speech Language Therapist, she has significant experience leading large teams involved in brain injury rehabilitation, community nursing and mental health. Gillian is deeply committed to providing service and support to the highest level and, as GM Operations, will be managing a wide range of tenancy-related services. Kia ora, Gillian!

Staying active, well and independent

Even though we may be spending more time indoors these days, we can still keep exercising safely at home to maintain strength and balance. A wide range of free videos and resources is available at You can choose exercises that are the right fit for you and will help reduce your risk of having a fall in your home. Live Stronger for Longer is a national movement providing practical information and advice for people over 65 on how to stay active, well and independent.

Before you do any of the exercises in the videos and resources, make sure you:

  • Wear suitable footwear such as sneakers or a firm fitting flat-soled shoe.
  • Have a phone in close reach.
  • Use something stable, such as a kitchen bench or sturdy chair for support.
  • Make sure you have plenty of space around you to complete your exercises.
  • Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated, either during or after exercise. Have a closed drink bottle nearby; avoid having cups or glasses that can spill easily near you.  
  • Try and breathe normally whilst doing the exercises.
  • If any of the exercises cause pain in your joints or muscles, stop immediately. Check you’re doing the exercise correctly and try again. If pain persists, leave that exercise out until you’ve sought advice.
  • If you experience chest pain, severe shortness of breath or severe dizziness, stop immediately and contact your healthcare provider.

New-look Haumaru Housing website

We’ve recently refreshed our website which now has an attractive new look, wonderful new photographs and a revamped layout. Designed to promote our services to tenants and seniors who may be looking for an affordable rental home, the site provides a wide range of facts and figures on Haumaru’s offering. Current tenants can access information on health and safety, repairs and maintenance, tenancy terms and conditions, getting additional support and the latest news, whilst prospective tenants can find out how to apply for a new home and read about Haumaru’s vision and values. With lovely photos of tenants and staff and aerial views of some of the villages, have a look at the new-look You never know, you might see yourself there!

Kiwi Access card

If you need a valid form of photo ID, but don’t have a driving licence or passport, the Kiwi Access card (previously known as the 18+ card) is a Government-recognised form of photographic ID and evidence of age card. The Kiwi Access card is valid for 10 years and is $55.

The card has been specifically designed with New Zealand’s over 60s and retired community in mind. It’s a reliable and secure evidence of age and identity card that’s  affordable and which you can easily apply for. It can be used throughout New Zealand and is available to both NZ nationals and foreign visitors.

You can pick up an application form at a participating NZ PostShop or an AA Centre, or download the application form online. To find out more, see:

Fire safety tips to remember

With Autumn now upon us and the cooler weather inevitably on its way, we may be using more electrical appliances to warm our homes. Here are a few important reminders on how to keep your home fire safe and what to do if a fire breaks out in your unit:

  • Always keep your smoke alarms in working order by pressing the button to check. If you’ve any concerns that they’re not functioning properly, please call us and our maintenance team will come round to have a look. Never disable your smoke alarm.
  • If a fire occurs, don’t try to put it out but ring the Fire Service immediately. Please also call us and let your neighbours know, too.
  • Powerpoints or multi-boards shouldn’t be overloaded with appliances that use a lot of power, such as heaters. At most, plug in one appliance per wall or multi-board socket.
  • Turn off appliances when not in use. If practical, unplug them at the wall as well.
  • When buying second-hand appliances, ensure they’ve been tested by a licenced electrician or gas fitter and have been certified as safe.
  • Never cover heating appliances or store objects on top of them. Remember the ‘heater metre’ rule: keep flammable materials at least one metre away from any heat sources.
  • Make sure your stovetop is clean and free of any spilled fats or burnt foods, and that the rangehood filters have been cleaned recently. Don’t leave the room when cooking. If you need to, remember to switch off before you walk off.
  • Lights should be fitted with the correct bulb size and rating (in watts).
  • Ensure your electric blanket is in good condition and not more than five years old. Worn and old electric blankets can cause an electric shock, fire and possibly even death. Make sure controls or cords are not twisted or caught between the mattress and the base of the bed. Turn your electric blanket off before you go to sleep.
  • Always have fresh air coming into rooms where a gas heater is in use. Have your heater serviced every 12 months.
  • Never smoke in bed. You might fall asleep while you’re smoking and, if the cigarette is still alight, it could start a fire.
  • Make a household escape plan so you can get out safely during a fire. Always keep keys in deadlocks on doors and windows.

Fire moves incredibly fast – a house fire can cause untold damage within just three minutes. For many more important fire safety tips, see